
Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith Awarded Summary Dismissals in Two Skating Rink Cases


In Munoz v. North Pointe Casualty Insurance Company and Red Rock Adventure Sports, LLC d/b/a Skate Galaxy, the 19th Judicial District Court for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, Joe Hassinger and Carlina Eiselen were able to obtain summary dismissal of all claims upon showing that plaintiff was not injured because of broken roller skates but because he was jumping and running while wearing the skates.  The insured skating rink’s accident response procedures were key to this victory. The rink captured plaintiff’s mischievous behavior on video and also retained the skates that plaintiff was wearing. Both were admitted into the record providing definitive proof that plaintiff filed a frivolous lawsuit.


In Burrle, et al.  v. Charles, et al., the 24th Judicial District Court for the Parish of Jefferson held that summary dismissal of plaintiff’s claims against the skating rink was proper.  Plaintiff, who was attending a school field trip at the rink, alleged that she tripped and fell on plastic beads located on the skating floor.  Joe Hassinger and Carlina Eiselen obtained favorable testimony from the plaintiff and from school administrators who attended the field trip. That testimony, along with proof that Skate Country sweeps the skating rink floor prior to and after every skating session, and had appropriate supervision of the floor, led the Court to grant summary judgment and dismiss all claims.